Dr. Macinto is a single player game in which one is to remove all the viruses (smiling-face squres). The blocks can be removed by arranging them sequences of 4 or more of the same color horizontally or vertically.
Playing pills drop from the top and are comprised of two random colored blocks. Pills drop one at a time and may be moved left or right, or rotated.
You can configure key in version 2.6. On-line help, flip command and more features are added. Version 2.5C features 256 color blocks and more twist (3 new kind of virus, diagonal remove, etc.).
Dr. Macinto is now 32-bit compatible and should run on any Mac.
#### BINHEX drol.hqx ****
Date: Tue, 02 Nov 1993 10:10:42 -0500 (CDT)
From: DUITS9662@cobra.uni.edu
This is a beta release of Drol
Drol is an arcade game that originally came out for the Apple ][ line of computers. It was one of my favorite games for the Apple ][, so I decided to port it over to the Macintosh.
#### BINHEX fist-fighters.hqx ****
From: cokin@scf.usc.edu (Darren Cokin)
Subject: Fist Fighters
Date: Wed, 11 Nov 92 18:07:01 PST
This is a karate game by Cellusoft. Cellusoft is the one man operation that
brought us Movod I & II, and Mr. MakeMagic (which I haven't seen). Like the
Movod games, Fist Fighters has good graphics but still isn't that great a
game. This game does look good, but the game play is bad. One or two players,
256 colors required. I'm posting it because some people expressed intrest
in it, but I don't really like it myself.
#### BINHEX fly-dont-die-12.hqx ****
From "Eric Johnson <eajohnsn@umaxc.weeg.uiowa.edu>" Wed Sep 8 03:01:54 1993
Date: Tue, 7 Sep 1993 17:24:16 -0500 (CDT)
From: Eric Johnson <eajohnsn@umaxc.weeg.uiowa.edu>
Subject: flydontdie1.2
Fly, Don't Die! v1.2 is an arcade game for Macintoshes with at least 16
colors, 640 x 400 screen (13 inch or Powerbook), and System 7. You are
the fly, defending the vial from pesky mites while dodging forceps,
mutating radiation blasts, rain and ether clouds. The hungry larvae below
depend on your food gathering ability, but don't ignore your own ravenous
needs! See the amazing multi-larval Animatitronics!
Version 1.2 adds these features:
- Start at higher level option
- Window centering
- Higher energy radiation blasts
- Intro music doesn't freak with the new Sound Manager
- Apple menu enabled
- Tab keys 'blasts' past special effects
- Higher stability
All this and more, and the size has decreased by 20%
Eric Johnson eajohnsn@umaxc.weeg.uiowa.edu
Program in Genetics
University of Iowa
#### BINHEX frac-10.hqx ****
From: Per Bergland <d6caps@dtek.chalmers.se>
Subject: FRAC 1.0 - 3D Tetris
Date: Sat, 13 Feb 1993 17:11:58 +0100 (MET)
FRAC is another 3D Tetris thingy, but quite enjoyable.
Originally a PC shareware game, but completely rewritten for the Mac.
13-Feb-93 19:23:43-GMT,412828;000000000001
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#### BINHEX patriot-command-11.hqx ****
Date: Tue, 16 Nov 93 14:27:24 JST
From: lagana@gecko.sps.mot.com (Antonio-Lagana)
Subject: Patriot Command 1.1 Submission
Dear Archive Administrator,
Enclosed please find a binhqx'ed Compact Pro archive of Patriot Command 1.1's
release. Please replace any previous versions in your archive's game
directory with this version.
Patriot Command is an implementation of a (once) popular arcade
classic. The object of the game is to protect world cities from an
onslaught of ICBMs and other nasties that an unnamed whimsical
fascist dictator decided to launch against the world. The worlds only
defenses are three Patriot missile silos which you command. Each
Patriot missile is capable of creating an explosion large and powerful
enough to destroy any enemy objects that are engulfed by it.
Patriot Command requires a Mac II or better (020, 030, or 040 Mac)
with a 640x400 or larger 256-color/grayscale monitor and 32-bit
Color Quickdraw. It runs on System versions 6.0.7 and later as well
as A/UX 3.0. It may be run in either 24-bit or 32-bit memory
manager mode. Patriot Command has been tested and verified to
work on the IIcx, IIsi, IIci, LCIII, IIfx, Quadra 700, and Quadra 800.
Sorry, but at this time, Patriot Command will not run on Macs with
the Apple 12 color monitor or the Color Classic. If there is enough
interest, a version for smaller screen color Macs and Powerbooks
with 16 grayscale monitors may be released in the future.
If you like this game, please register your copy by sending in the
registration form (select "Print Registration Form..." from the Apple
menu) along with the $15/copy shareware fee to the below address.
International users (Including Canada), please send in cash since my
bank does not accept foreign checks. Thank you for your support.
Version History
Version 1.1 - Maintenance Release
Fixed the Tokyo city icon to prevent enemy missiles from exploding when hitting the Japanese flag
Fixed window update routine so that the appropriate cursor is set when an update event occurs
Fixed a problem that caused fatal crashes when running under the 24-bit memory manager
Fixed a bug that could cause smart bombs to vanish before reaching the ground
Fixed a bug that could cause smart bombs to go off screen
Improved explosion updates to be more uniform when there are many objects on the screen
Made some adjustments to the game difficulty to make it slightly harder (many people thought that 1.0 was too easy even when the difficulty was set to hard). I can already guess one future comment: Now it is too hard!!! 8^) Seriously, though, please let me know what features/modifications youd like to see in future versions of Patriot Command. I'll do my best to implement as many of your suggestions as possible.
Changed the code so that shield and split icons are not displayed in the demo screen after aborting a game
Fixed a bug that could cause the game to hang if the starting level was selected while Game Over was being displayed, immediately followed by pressing the space bar
Fixed a bug that would cause portions of destroyed silos to reappear when an enemy missile or smart bomb hit the destroyed site
Modified the auto-silo select code to select the closest non-empty silo when the player uses the mouse button to fire
Added code to accelerate enemy missiles and smart bombs when the player is out of missiles
Modified city icon selection code to ensure that all city icons are unique at any given time
Modified the code to prevent shield usage after the Nuke bonus is shot
Added a limit to the number of missiles/bombs that a bomber can drop
Fixed a bug that could cause the game start sound to get mangled
Pentris is a Tetris-like game that uses pentominoes instead of tetraminoes
(that is 5-squares pieces instead of 4-squares pieces). This makes the game a
lot more challenging.
This game requires System 7 or later and Color QuickDraw. Therefore, it's not
compatible with the Macintosh Plus, SE and Classic.
NOTE: when Pentris is used on an AV machine (Centris 660AV or Quadra 880AV),
the sound doesn't always play well. I'll try to fix this in a future
release. This bug should not prevent you enjoying the game.
It has a shareware fee of 15$, but you can send any amount (more or
less) you want.
I grant the info-mac archive administrators the right to include Pentris
on their CD-ROM.
Patrick Fournier
#### BINHEX pierkiroul-20.hqx ****
Date: Wed, 4 Nov 92 19:30:18 +0100
From: leleux@poly.polytechnique.fr (leleu xavier)
Here is version 2.0.0 of Pierkiroul, a very addicting game.
You control a man who has to push boulders and get pieces of
gold to find the exit.
Version 2.0.0 works on monochrome and color Macintoshes under
system 6.0.7 or later (but sound is only available under system
7 or later).
Pierkiroul version 2.0.0 is Freeware.
#### BINHEX poly-rc-101.hqx ****
Date: 26 Sep 1993 21:06:53 -0400 (EDT)
From: STH@eclx.psu.edu
Subject: Poly-RC 1.01
Poly-RC is a game with falling rows and columns. The objective is to stay in game by removing blocks. Although it looks similar to Polytris, it is a different game.
Rows or columns with 1 to 4 squares drop from top and stop when they hit the dropped blocks or bottom. The squares can be removed by arranging them sequences of 3 or more of the same color horizontally, vertically or diagonally.
Poly-RC is more challenging because it has rows and columns with 1 to 4 squares, bombs, weights and radiation. Depending on your skill, you can adjust the difficulty of the game.
Minor bug was fixed in version 1.01.
#### BINHEX polytris-102.hqx ****
Date: 26 Sep 1993 21:03:17 -0400 (EDT)
From: STH@eclx.psu.edu
Subject: Polytris 1.02
Triiiiiiis iiiiiiis back!!!!
Polytris is a game with falling polyomino blocks,1 to 5 connected square blocks. The objective is to stay in game by removing rows. Tetris™ is one of variations of Polytris which uses only tetrominoes, 4 connected squares.
Polytris is more challenging because it has 29 kinds of blocks, bombs, weights and water balloons. Depending on your skill, you can adjust the difficulty of the game. It can be configured as from 'Qualye's Tetris' to 'Ultra Super Duper Extra Tris Plus'.
Polytris is a shareware game. If you want to use it, please send at least 'ONE US DOLLAR' to the auther. It is worth far more than $1.
Version 1.01 works with upper and lower case keys. 'Configure Key' dialog is displayed properly. More minor bugs are fixed in version 1.02.
#### BINHEX pong.hqx ****
Date: Sat, 26 Dec 92 00:18:55 +0200
From: elharrar@birisc.cs.biu.ac.il
Subject: Pong
The oldest arcade game ever.
Written by David L. O'Connor in 1985, in Megamax C.
Recompiled in THINK C in 1992 by Yair Elharrar.
Source code (modified) included.
#### BINHEX quagmire.hqx ****
From: leo@cp.tn.tudelft.nl (Leo Breebaart)
Subject: Quagmire [game]
Date: Sun, 7 Nov 1993 12:58:03 +0100 (MET)
Recently released on AOL: Quagmire, by Tony Small.
Requires System 7, and runs best in 8-bit color (it works in
B&W too, but it looks lousy). Shareware, $10.
Quagmire is a Dark Castle type of game. You control a small
robot who can run, jump, climb, crouch, shoot, etc, and your
goal is to guide him through level and level of traps,
pitfalls, and assorted nasties out to get you.
I am in no way involved with the people who created this game.
I'm just passing it along to the Internet archives. It was